Frequently Asked Questions for Suppliers

Queries about Invoice Status, Payments, Statements, or Reminders

If you supply goods or services to Arxada in Europe, the United States, Canada, and Singapore you can now raise your queries regarding invoices, payments, statements, and reminders to Arxada’s dedicated service center. For all other areas contact your local Arxada purchasing/business contact.

Which email addresses do I use to submit queries to Arxada’s Accounts Payable team?

See below the list of correct email addresses to submit queries to Accounts Payable. Ensure you quote your Invoice number(s), Purchase Order(s) (PO), and what Arxada Company/ Company Code query is related to in the subject line. This will help allocate and resolve the email quicker. Do not submit invoices or sales material to below email addresses. Invoices should be submitted to Arxada’s designated email addresses for PDF invoice submission, to find out more visit

The below email addresses are for queries only. You might have agreed on a different route for your queries with your Arxada purchasing/ business contact. If you have additional questions, contact your Arxada purchasing contact.

Can I phone and speak to someone in Arxada’s Accounts Payable team directly regarding my queries?

Yes, we have set up dedicated phone lines for resolving supplier queries. This service is available in English only. See below the list of phone numbers and service hours. Ensure you have your Invoice number(s), Purchase Order(s) (PO), and what Arxada Company query is related to handy to help resolve your query quicker. -> Select Option 1 for Accounts Payable – available in English only

Questions about PDF Invoice Submission

If you have any queries regarding how to submit invoices to Arxada or how to send invoices electronically (using PDF format) visit for more information.


Questions about What Information is Required on Invoices to Arxada?

If you have any questions regarding what information must be on invoices submitted to Arxada visit for more information.


Questions about Purchase Orders (PO) or Payment Terms

If you have any questions regarding your Purchase Order (PO) or Payment Terms, contact the Arxada employee who placed the order (your Arxada purchasing contact). Payment Terms cannot be amended by Accounts Payable. Arxada’s payment terms are calculated from invoice receipt date (IRD). Arxada operates a NO PO NO PAY policy to ensure compliant purchasing. This means before committing to supply any goods or services you must be provided with a valid Purchase Order from your Arxada purchasing contact. 


Questions about Terms and Conditions or Supplier Code of Conduct

If you have any questions or want to find out more about Arxada’s Terms and Conditions visit

For Arxada’s Supplier Code of Conduct visit

For Terms and Conditions for Direct Material Purchases visit

For Terms and Conditions for China visit

For Technical Material and Services Terms and Conditions for Switzerland (Visp) visit

If you have any additional questions regarding terms and conditions or supply of goods or services, contact your Arxada purchasing contact.