Sustainability governance

ESG governance

Our corporate governance plays a vital part in the success of our business and our sustainability strategy. We incorporate the highest level of oversight and due diligence, establishing the right policies and mechanisms to guide ethical business practices, ensuring adherence to recognized sustainability certifications. 

A complete overview of our 2023 site certifications and publicly available policies supporting our sustainability efforts are available on our Resources & downloads page.

Our board and sustainability responsibility

Our 10-member board of directors is responsible for overseeing Arxada's sustainability strategy, risk management and corporate reporting. We have three committees that report directly to the Board: the sustainability committee, audit committee and people committee.

The sustainability committee is responsible for oversight of Arxada's sustainability strategy and goals, including the measurement, improvement and reporting of our environmental impact plans. The sustainability committee ensures that we embed sustainability into our operations and innovation strategy, and that our sustainability goals meet or exceed industry standards. Furthermore, the committee ensures effective tracking and communication of progress on sustainability goals throughout the organization. This committee is composed of four representatives from Bain Capital and Cinven, plus participants including our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer (CTSO).

Our audit committee assists the board in overseeing various aspects concerning members, potential members, the investment community and other stakeholders. This includes ensuring the integrity of the company's financial statements, evaluating the effectiveness of the company's internal controls over financial reporting, selecting the independent auditor, assessing the auditor's qualifications and independence, monitoring the performance of the company's internal audit function and independent auditors, and managing other committee responsibilities. This committee consists of three members from Bain Capital and Cinven, with participation from our CEO and Chief Financial Officer.

The people committee is responsible for providing strategic input to advance a transformational people agenda that focuses on building a great workplace and supporting our strategic capabilities. Our people committee consists of four representatives from Bain Capital and Cinven, and one independent director, plus participation from our CEO and Chief People Officer.

Our sustainability team is fully integrated throughout our enterprise. Our Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer is accountable for developing an overarching strategy and reporting to the Board. He is responsible for scientific advocacy and sustainable innovation within the Preservation Pillar. Our Chief People Officer is accountable for developing, reporting and deploying strategies related to our People Pillar linked to inclusive culture, community engagement and impact. Our Senior Vice President, Integrated Operations, is accountable for the strategy linked to the many aspects of our Planet Pillar, Sustainable Procurement within our Preservation Pillar and Health & Safety within our People Pillar.

Board of directors

Our board of directors is responsible for overseeing Arxada’s strategy, risk management and corporate reporting and approves our overall sustainability strategy.

Sustainability committee

The sustainability committee is responsible for oversight of Arxada’s sustainability strategy and goals, including the measurement, improvement and reporting of our environmental impact plans.1 The sustainability committee ensures sustainability goals are clearly defined, that sustainability goals meet or exceed industry standards, and that Arxada is held accountable for progress against those goals.

People committee

The people committee is responsible for providing strategic input to advance a transformational people agenda focusing on building a great workplace and supporting our strategic capabilities. 

Executive Leadership Team

The ELT is responsible for managing our day-to-day business and defining our overall strategy, including our purpose, vision and sustainability strategy.

Audit committee

The audit committee assists the board with its oversight responsibilities to the members, potential members and the investment community relating to: (i) the integrity of the company’s financial statements; (ii) the effectiveness of the company’s internal control over financial reporting; (iii) selection of the independent auditor and assessment of the independent auditor’s qualifications and independence; (iv) the performance of the company’s internal audit functionality and independent auditors; and (v) the performance of the other committee functions.

Sustainability team

The sustainability team reports to our Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer. The team plays a key role in setting sustainability goals, meeting external standards and certifications, tracking and communicating progress against goals and driving the implementation of our sustainability strategy.

Business ethics

Our ethics and compliance policies, including a Code of Conduct. Supplier Code of Conduct. Anti- Bribery Policy, Business Gih Policy, Antitrust Policy and Whistleblower and Non-Retaliation Policy help ensure our associates act with utmost integrity in all operations. We have continued to build on the compliance program that we launched in early 2022 by customizing training programs on topics such as Anti-Bribery, Conflicts of Interest, Antitrust, Harassment, Discrimination, Confidential Information and Computer Security and Export Control. Our associates undergo annual training on our Code of Conduct. We also offer periodic live and webinar training globally on a wide range of ethics and compliance topics. Our customized training programs take into consideration particular risks that may exist in a region and local laws and regulations.

We emphasize a culture of compliance and business ethics through training, written materials and our internal plafforms, including our intranet and our One Arxada channel. All associates have access to our Whistleblower Hotline, which is accessible by phone and via an online portal and accessible directly from our intranet. The Whistleblower Hotline is available 24 hours a day and in all our operating languages throughout the world. Hotline reporters may choose to remain anonymous. Associates who raise concerns are protected through our Whistleblower and NonRetaliation Policy.

[1] GHG, waste and water.

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