Specialty Products

Our range includes performance products such as insecticides, preservatives, antimould and end sealer additives through to consumer timber care products such as remedial preservatives and premium timber oils.

Follow the links below to learn more about the products we offer.

Performance Products

Antichecking® Solution (Asia)

Antichecking® Solution makes wood highly water repellent which reduces warping, splintering and crackling  caused by swelling and shrinkages due to changes in wood moisture

Anchorseal® End-sealer (Australia)

Specialist end-sealer compound for seasoning green hardwood logs and lumber.

Tanagard® Anti-mould (Asia)

Tanagard® Anti-mould is a mixture of highly effective mouldicides intended as an additive to boost the anti-mould performance of other preservatives such as Tanalith® E Wood Preservative and Tanalith® Q Wood Preservative.

Tanamix® Anti-mould (New Zealand)

Tanamix® Anti-mould is an optimal mix of three highly effective isothiazolinone mouldicides intended as an additive to boost the anti-mould performance of other products including short term and permanent preservatives.

Glusect® Insecticide (Asia)

Glusect® Insecticide is a cypermethrin based glue line additive that is particularly effective for protection of hardwood veneer based  plywood from insect (borer) attack.

Proquat® 2034 Preservative (Australia)

Formulated for the protection of plywood against fungi and termites, when it is used outside, above ground such as external wall cladding or bracing.

Parachem® and Parabor® Preservatives (Asia)

Parachem® and Parabor® Preservatives are boron based formulations for the protection of Rubberwood and other tropical hardwood timbers intended for furniture manufacture and other appearance uses against sapstain fungi and borers.

Antiborer® 10EC Insecticide (Asia)

Antiborer® 10EC Insecticide is a cypermethrin based treatment formulated to protect logs and timber against beetles and other borers during processing, seasoning and storage.

Brightener® Solution (Australia)

Addition of Brightener® Solution can clean up discoloured boron treatment preservatives quickly by deactivating those extractives. This results in a fresher and cleaner appearance of the treated wood.

Consumer Timber Care Products

Canopy® Timber Care (Asia)

A premium quality, deep penetrating non-drying oil based sealer, contains ultra-violet additives and special oils formulation for long lasting and beautiful natural colours.

Tanacoat® Timber Oil (Australia)

Our non-film forming, low sheen, penetrating timber oil which nourishes and enriches the natural timber colour and grain. Enhanced with UV absorbers and water repellents to reduce the effects of weathering.

Enseal® Green Preservative (New Zealand)

For use with CCA treated timber (H3.2, H4 and H5) that has been cut, machined and drilled.

Tanalised Ecoseal® Preservative (Australia)

A green, end cut resealing product for envelope treated wood with a convenient spray can application. Suitable for use with timber in both above ground and ground contact.

Tanalised Enseal® Clear Preservative (Australia, New Zealand)

A clear, end cut resealing product for envelope treated wood with a convenient spray can application. For use with timber in above ground use only.

Enseal® AZ Preservative (Asia)

Enseal® AZ preservative is supplied as a ready to use (RTU) product specifically formulated for the treatment of timber to be used interior or exterior and above ground.

Enseal® SP Preservative (Asia)

Enseal®  SP is a brush on timber preservative suitable for untreated wood and for the re-treatment of cross-cut, notched or bored treated timber.

Tanalised CN Timber Oil (Australia)

A heavy duty copper naphthenate-based preservative used for the remedial protection of timber out of ground contact against fungal decay and borers.

Tanalised CN Emulsion (Australia, New Zealand)

A heavy duty copper naphthenate-based timber preservative for remedial protection of Tanalised® timber structures against borers and fungal decay particularly in-ground contact.

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