Invoice Submission Process via PDF

How do I submit PDF invoices to Arxada?

Arxada uses an automated solution for vendors to submit invoices directly in PDF format via email.

This process brings several advantages:
  • Faster invoice process and more secure delivery of invoices
  • Reduced negative environmental impact
  • Reduced cost for enveloping, postage and mailing
  • Receipt confirmation for submitted invoices

What are Arxada’s requirements for using this automated solution?

  • Invoice must be in PDF format. No other format is accepted.
  • Only one invoice per PDF document is allowed. Multiple PDF documents can be included in one email and each PDF document will be processed as one invoice.
  • Attachments/back-up material must be included in the same PDF document as the invoice.
  • Email must contain a PDF invoice otherwise the email will be rejected.
  • Email including all attachments cannot exceed 5MB.
  •  PDF document cannot contain any kind of encryption features.
  • Any other communication such as account queries, etc. sent to the automated solution email addresses will not be read.
Frequently Asked Questions about PDF Invoice Submission

> Which email addresses do I use to submit invoices to Arxada?

See below the list of correct email addresses to submit invoices in PDF format.

All our designated email addresses for PDF invoice submission are ending with

> I am submitting invoices by post and cannot comply with Arxada’s requirements, will my invoice be rejected?

No, you can submit your invoices by post if you are unable to comply with Arxada’s requirements. However, Arxada prefers you to submit your invoice in PDF.

> I am submitting invoices directly to my Arxada contact; can I put my Arxada contact in CC of the email instead?

Yes, you can. Invoices should if possible be submitted directly to the below email addresses with the required Arxada purchasing information.

> I have been asked to submit my invoices to a different or generic email address, will my invoices still be processed?

Yes, however it is the responsibility of your Arxada purchasing contact to ensure invoices are submitted for processing. This process is used for some of Arxada’s freight, logistics and legal invoices due to complexity of processes.

> I am submitting invoices with attachments required by Arxada, what should I do?

Attachments/back-up material must be included in the same PDF document as the invoice. Alternatively, you could submit the required documentation separately, directly to your Arxada contact.

> How do I know if invoices have been accepted or rejected?

You will receive a confirmation email stating if your invoice is accepted for further processing. If you do not comply with Arxada’s PDF requirements, a rejection email will be automatically sent to you.

> Shall I also send invoices by post if I submit by email?

No, invoices must only be sent by email OR by post. Invoices sent both by email and by post causes, delays in processing and payment of your invoice. Please do not send physical invoices to Arxada’s office addresses. Send your invoices in PDF format as directed to the designated email addresses below, unless otherwise agreed with your Arxada purchasing/business contact. 

> Can I still use email addresses ending for invoice submission?

No, correct email addresses all have email addresses.

List of Email Addresses to use for PDF Invoice Submission*: 

The above email addresses are for invoice submission in PDF format only unless you have agreed on a different submission route for your invoices with your Arxada purchasing/ business contact. If you have additional questions regarding invoice submission, contact your Arxada purchasing contact.

* If submitted electronically, the supplier agrees that no paper copy of the invoice is going to be issued to Arxada in parallel and electronic invoicing is allowed by the respective local tax authorities in the country where the invoice is issued. Arxada reserves the right to request a hard copy version of an electronically submitted invoice at any time.

What Information is Required on Invoices to Arxada?

Arxada operates a NO PO NO PAY policy to ensure compliant purchasing. This means before committing to supply any goods or services you must be provided with a valid Purchase Order from your Arxada purchasing contact.

The below requirements are mandatory and must be included on your invoices. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a rejection of your invoice and/or late payment.

·         Supplier Name and Address, and supplier reference person including contact details (telephone and e-mail). Best practice: Include Supplier Key Contact E-mail, Telephone Number and Supplier Accounts Receivable Contact E-mail

·         Correct Name and Address of the Arxada company name for the relevant invoicing party (Bill-To), purchasing entity (Sold-To) and the VAT/Tax registration number (where locally required) and correct delivery (Ship-To) address as per PO

·         Arxada’s Purchase Order* number in customer “Reference” field in the header of invoice

·         Full line-level details (PO line number, Description of the goods/services provided, Quantity, Price, Unit of measure)

·         State the Currency (in ISO format) and measuring units as mentioned in the Purchase Order

·         PO number indicated clearly in the header of the invoice as well as in all other correspondence

·         Net Amount including Currency

·         If applicable Net Amounts by tax rates, tax amounts due on these amounts, and Gross Amounts

·         Invoice Date (DD/MM/YYYY format, unless specified otherwise)

·         A unique Invoice Number (max 16 characters)

·         Tax number or VAT identification number

·         Bank details and terms of payment. Best Practice: Include supplier remittance e-mail so we can let you know details of payment

·         All information must be legible and not hand-written

* Notes for Purchase Orders (PO):

·         Purchase Order documentation provided contains all relevant information

·         Only one Purchase Order per invoice

·         PO Line Item Number printed on the invoice

Exceptions for Non-PO Invoices: If deliveries/services are accepted by Arxada without a Purchase Order number, the invoice must include first name and surname of the Arxada employee who placed the order (your Arxada purchasing contact). You might also be asked to include other information such as a cost center or other cost assignments. Failure to do so may result in rejection of your invoice and/or late payment.

Proforma Invoices, Purchase Orders, Statement of Accounts, Reminders, Letters, etc., are not valid for invoice processing.

Questions about Purchase Orders (PO) or Payment Terms

If you have any additional questions regarding your Purchase Order (PO) or Payment Terms, contact the Arxada employee who placed the order (your Arxada purchasing contact). Payment Terms cannot be amended by Accounts Payable. 

Queries about Invoice Status, Payments, Statements or Reminders 

If you have any queries regarding your invoice status, statements or reminders use already communicated channels to contact Arxada or visit for more information.